Saturday, April 27, 2013

Read-a-Thon Hours 1 and 2: 7:00 - 9:00

What are you reading right now? The Witches by Roald Dahl

How's that going? Really good! Roald Dahl books are great read-a-thon material.

Books finished so far: None yet.

Pages read these hours: 140

Total pages read so far: 140

Food consumed this hour: Cereal and orange juice.

I'm off to a rough start, since unfortunately I had trouble sleeping last night, so I'm not as well-rested as I'd like. :( Hopefully with time and food I'll feel better later!


  1. Orange Crush, lemon ice!
    Read them once, read them twice!
    Read them high, read them low!
    Dewey’s Readers on the go!

    Happy Reading!
    Jennifer~Team Panda
    The Relentless Reader

  2. I love Roald Dahl! (I mean, that's where I got my blog name... hehe)
