Friday, September 21, 2012

The Towering Pile is moving! Not far, though.

No, I'm not moving to Wordpress, even though that seems to be the top choice among bloggers these days. I like Blogger, and also don't want to pay for hosting. But, I did buy a domain name! So this weekend (maybe tonight) I'll be moving my blog over to! How exciting!

I just wanted to warn you, in case I screw anything up. If all goes well, links, etc., will still work fine. I use Feedburner for my RSS feed and email subscription, so those things shouldn't be affected, I hope.

I'll keep you updated on Twitter and Facebook!


  1. Yay for you! It's really nice not having to add blogspot or wordpress to your blog address!

    1. Yay! I've never had a custom domain before! This is the first blog I've had that I felt was really worth it. :)

  2. Yay! I strongly considered moving to Wordpress and even had decided to, but I've changed my mind once again. Like you, I like blogger and I don't want to pay to host. And it isn't even the paying exactly. I just don't know how long I'll be blogging and I don't want all my hard work to disappear. If I pay, I'll have to commit to paying forever whether or not I'm still blogging. I'm just not sure about that.

    1. I totally agree. And I know others have had all kinds of problems with comments not showing up and stuff, but I've never had a single problem with Blogger, so I'm gonna stick with what I know.
