What are you reading right now? I just finished The Dark Victorian: Risen by Elizabeth Watasin, and I'm about to start Charmed Season 9 Volume 1.
How's that going? Risen ended up being really good! And now I'm looking forward to this graphic novel for a change of pace.
Books finished so far: The Twits by Roald Dahl, Coraline by Neil Gaiman, Against the Fall of Night by Arthur C. Clarke, The Dark Victorian: Risen by Elizabeth Watasin
Pages read this hour: 15
Total pages read so far: 472
Food consumed this hour: The rest of my energy drink (and I'm feelin' fine!)
Mini Challenges completed so far: Introduction Meme, Reading in Translation, Turn to Page, Book Sentence, Book Appetit!, Mid-Event Survey
The last two books I read were a bit slower going, just because of being "grown-up" books, and having somewhat longer pages. A graphic novel is just the thing right now for a refreshing change of pace! And then perhaps some more Roald Dahl. :)
Perfect!! Changing up sounds good right about now.