What are you reading right now? Dancing in My Nuddy-Pants (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson #4) by Louise Rennison
How's that going? Filled with hilariosity.
Books finished so far: The Escape (Animorphs #15) by K.A. Applegate and Knocked Out By My
Nunga-Nungas (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson #3) by Louise Rennison
Pages read these hours: 105
Total pages read so far: 542
Food consumed this hour: None.
After accidentally having a bit of a snooze a while ago, I actually feel pretty awake, so I think I'll be finishing this read-a-thon off strongly!
It's great that you are still reading strong. I know what you mean about an accidental snooze. I did that myself but it was much longer than I wanted. :) Great job.