Title: Taltos (Lives of the Mayfair Witches #3)
Author: Anne Rice
Publication Date: 1994
Length: 556 pages
Warning: This is a review of the third book in the series, and therefore contains spoilers of the first two books.
This book had so much going on, it's difficult to write a plot summary. (Admittedly, I'm writing this review many months after reading the book, so that doesn't help.) Along with continuing story lines from The Witching Hour and Lasher, new ones are introduced. A new major character is Ashlar, who is a Taltos (like Lasher) and has been living amongst humans. This is an interesting turn of events, because it shows that the Taltos are not all crazy adult-sized babies like Lasher. Ashlar, while still odd, is also kind, and perfectly capable of blending in with humans in spite of his strange appearance.
In this book, we also get the history of the Taltos as told by Ashlar, which was really interesting, as well as the continuing antics of Mona, who I know is kinda messed up but I can't seem to help adoring her. There's also more about the Talamasca, which thrilled me. Honestly I'd love a whole series centred around the Talamasca!
Taltos had its ups and downs for me, mostly because it was pretty long (the number of pages is deceptive as Anne Rice books tend to have tiny type) and had so many plot lines going on at once, some more interesting than others. But enough of the story lines were interesting that I do recommend finishing off the trilogy if you've read and enjoyed the first two books.
As a sidenote, this series is great fun if, like me, you're a genealogist. I actually have the (incomplete) Mayfair family tree on my computer.
4 stars.
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