Friday, March 2, 2012

RCC Challenge: Show Off Your Pile!

It's time for the first challenge in the March 2012 Review Copy Cleanup! All you have to do is show off your pile of review copies that you plan to read this month.

I don't have too many, so I'm hopeful that I'll get through them all this month! I've only got one other book planned for March, so most of my time will be devoted to these.

I've already started The Whipping Club. That and Cinder are my priorities, since they've already been published! I try to get review copies read and reviewed before the publishing date (though in my defense, Cinder had already been published when I got it in the mail). Wish me luck getting through my pile! :)


  1. Good luck with going through your pile! I heard great things about Cinder and I got Grave Mercy too (: Hope you enjoy them!

    My RCCleanup Pile

  2. Oh my god, CINDER! It was so amazingly good. I really hope you'll love it just as much as I did! :) I'm pretty new to the rest, but I'll have to check them out as I'm quite curious now!

    If you want to check out my to-read pile, it can be found here!:)

  3. I'm really excited for Cinder! I'll be reading it as soon as I finish The Whipping Club.

    The other three are all from NetGalley. That site gets me reading books I probably never would have heard of otherwise. Which is lovely, but bad for my TBR pile!

  4. You are so luck to have Cinder. I want to read it so bad, but I need to read all my reviews and empty my TBR shelf before I buy any new books.

    My pile is huge! I've recently become addicted to netgalley.

    1. You need to empty your TBR shelf before you buy new books?! I wish I had that kind of discipline! I have over 600 books on my TBR shelf, so I wouldn't be buying any books for a long time. I am working on buying less, though, and trying to make my TBR pile go down instead of up. :P With mixed results...

  5. I LOVED Cinder! I have Grave Mercy on my list too, hope it's good. Happy reading! =)

    My Review Pile.

  6. The Whipping Club looks great! I'll have to check that one out :)
    Good luck and thank you for taking part in the event!
