The Out of Your Comfort Zone Challenge is all about using creative methods of finding books you wouldn't normally read, and then reading them. Twelve methods are suggested, with the recommendation being that you do one each month, so I'm going to try to do that. Here are the listed ways to get out of your comfort zone:
1) Go to your favourite bookshop/library and go to a section you don't normally visit (e.g. always read historical fiction? Try the fantasy section) count how many bookcases there are then add this as your top number at whatever number comes out count the bookcases and go to that number case. Count how many shelves there are and get another random number, count that many shelves down and books across, read the book you land on.
2) Go to amazon's book page and pick a section your don't usually read from, try to make it a different section to option 1. Look at the bestsellers list and read the number 1 spot, if it's part of a series read the first in a series.
3) Visit a blog which reviews a genre you don't normally read. Read the first book they review (as with 2 if it's part of a series read the first in the series).
4) Visit a blog which reviews a genre you don't normally read. Ask the blogger for a recommendation for someone who wants to start reading their favourite genre.
5) Type book into an image search. Read the first book which pops up.
6) Find an article/list of the best books of 2012. Read a book from the list.
7) Visit a blog which reviews a different genre. Read their best book of 2012.
8) When out and about look to see what people are reading. Read one of the books you see.
9) Look at the daily/weekly/monthly offers at your favourite bookseller. Read one of the books on offer.
10) Go to Whichbook? choose characteristics which your wouldn't normally go for in books e.g. if you usually read funny books slide the bar towards serious.
11) Read a book by an author who has friended you on goodreads, followed you on twitter, liked you on facebook, followed your blog or sent you an e-mail, providing you wouldn't normally say yes to their request.
12) Ask a favourite blogger which book surprised them last year because they liked it. e.g. The Hunger Games is not my usual genre but I really liked it.
I'll list each month's book here as I choose it, and link to the review once I've read and review it.
January: Damage Control by J.A. Jance
- Chosen using the first method. I went to the library, and used the mystery section. To avoid having to carry my laptop, I got my partner to pick random numbers. :) It's not the first in the series, but I figure mystery books are kind of like episodes of Law and Order. I might miss some character development, but the story should stand on its own.
February: Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks
- Chosen using the second method. I went to the book page, clicked on Romance, and then Bestsellers. The number one book is Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks.
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining in with The Out Your Comfort Zone Challenge. I hope you find lots of new books to love.