Saturday, June 30, 2012

June 2012 Wrap-Up

Here's a summary of my book-related activity for June 2012. It was a busy month, and therefore a rather sad month as far as reading goes. (Note: I didn't really buy so many books! This includes a few books I bought right near the end of last month, so they didn't make it into last month's wrap-up.)

Books I read (linked to the reviews)

Final Crossing by Carter Wilson (NetGalley)
Offbeat Bride: Creative Alternatives for Independent Brides by Ariel Meadow Stallings (library)
The Invasion (Animorphs #1) by K.A. Applegate (reread)
The Visitor (Animorphs #2) by K.A. Applegate (TBR pile)
The Marrying Kind by Ken O'Neill (NetGalley)

Books I bought

The Nightmare Room, #1-3:
The Nightmare
Begins! by R.L. Stine
The Horror of the Black Ring
(Goosebumps Series 2000 #18)
by R.L. Stine
Headless Halloween
(Goosebumps 2000 #10)
by R.L. Stine

Lost in Stinkeye Swamp
(Give Yourself Goosebumps #24)
by R.L. Stine
Good Places to Live: Poverty and Public
Housing in Canada by Jim Silver
The War in the Air by H.G. Wells

These three are all from Jamboree 2012, a genealogy conference I went to this month:

Getting the Most Out of
RootsMagic 5 by Bruce Buzbee
Tracing Your Cork Ancestors by
Tony McCarthy and Tim Cadogan
Researching Canadian Uncommon Sources
by Michelle Labrosse-Purcell

Then I bought this one in the Toronto airport on the way home, to cheer myself up during a rather unpleasant overnight trip. (Is it healthy to buy yourself books when you're feeling down? I don't see why not!)

The Girl in the Steel Corset
by Kady Cross

Books I've been approved for on NetGalley

Quarantine by John Smolens

Progress on challenges

The Visitor was my June book for the Read Your OWN Library! Challenge.

I failed to read my June Random Read, which was Ghostlight by Marion Zimmer Bradley.

I completed the following letters for the 2012 A-Z Book Challenge: F and O

I read 1 book for the Mount TBR Reading Challenge.

I read 0 books for the 2012 Anne Rice Challenge. You can still sign up!

Operation: TBR Reduction: I added 11 books to my to read list and only removed 3, so my pile increased by 8 this month! Yet another epic fail. Seriously, this challenge is really showing me that I have a problem! :(

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing wrong with buying yourself a book to cheer yourself up! It's when you buy 10 to cheer yourself up (and yes, I've done it!). Here's to hoping this month is better! You can do it!!
