Friday, February 3, 2012

Piling Up on Friday - February 3

Piling Up on Friday is a weekly meme from Finding Your Gibbee. All you have to do is list the books you've added to your to read shelf in the last week.

I'm starting to realise that NetGalley is the reason my to read shelf doesn't get any smaller even though I haven't bought a book in over a month... I requested Xoc on NetGalley yesterday. I must admit, the reason I requested it is that it starts with an X, which is an awesome find for the A-Z Book Challenge. :) But it also looks neat. It's a kids'/teens' book that follows a great white shark as he makes a journey across the ocean. I hear it's sort of a rant about humans destroying the oceans, which some people apparently don't like, but sounds great to me!

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