Title: A Full Moon is Rising
Author: Marilyn Singer
Illustrator: Julia Cairns
Publication Date: August 1, 2011
Length: 47 pages
A Full Moon is Rising is a delightul children's book about how people around the world celebrate the full moon. Each page contains a poem set in a different place, along with a beautiful illustration.
At the back of the book, there are a few pages of explanations of the poems, which help to put them into context. The one complaint I have is that I got so much more out of the poems when I went back and read them again having read the explanations, so I wish they weren't at the back. Although, I guess a little kid might not want their poems and pictures interrupted by explanations, so maybe I'm looking at it from too adult a perspective.
My favourite poem in the book is probably Wolf Moon, the setting of which is Algonquin Park, Canada (I'm a sucker for things set in Canada). In it, children are sitting around a campfire under a full moon, warning each other about werewolves. Meanwhile, the wolves out in the wilderness are warning each other about humans.
Overall, I think this would be a great book to read to your kids. It's always nice to find kids' books that include cultural and religious diversity. More this, please, kids' book publishers!
Full disclosure: Free ebook copy received from the publisher.
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