Sunday, October 22, 2017

Read-a-Thon hours 19 and 20: 1:00 - 3:00

Reading right now: Saga, vol. 6, by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples

Pages read in the last two hours: 104

Total pages: 870

Books finished: The Reunion (Animorphs #30) by K.A. Applegate; Saga, vol. 5 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples; The Overnight (Fear Street #3) by R.L. Stine; Vampire Knight, vol. 1 by Matsuri Hino; Binti: Home by Nnedi Okorafor

Snacks: Some of my Monster drink, and a banana.

Status report: Monster to the rescue!! Also Saga. That probably played a big role as well. Even though Binti is pretty short and super good I was fighting sleep big time with that one. Now I'm fairly wide-awake again! So far I've been alternating between graphic novels and regular novels, but I think after Saga I might read my other graphic novel, Jughead, vol. 1, because then at least I know I'll get 7 of my 8 books finished! Then we'll see how much of Wondrous Strange I can read with the time remaining.

And of course my 3:00 am video choice is 3AM by Matchbox Twenty, because it always is. :)

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